

There are a lot of people around us. Only some of them speak while others listen, not many people can stand in front of tens and hundreds of people and speak to them. There can be two reasons for this: 1) They have chosen not to (“this is not for me”!!).  or 2) They have got a completely wrong idea of what public speaking is and hence have never mastered the skill. (reading this article will reprimand this). Yes, public speaking is a skill and like any other skill, public speaking has to be worked upon. You don’t have to be a naturally charismatic speaker or an extrovert to be a good public speaker. Public speaking is an art that is molded within you when you want to speak on something you are passionate about or when you have something important to say.  WHAT GOES INTO LEARNING THIS ART Practice, preparation, strategy and some simple rules. We are first exposed to public speaking in our schools. Public speaking at this stage was probably a fun activity to you or contrary to t...


EQUANIMITY A balanced mind. A mind without craving or aversion. Neither wanting a pleasant sensation to continue nor an unpleasant sensation to cease. In this blog post, I've attempted to describe the technique of vipassana in three simple steps as I have learnt. However, it must be remembered that the theoretical knowledge is of no significance if not applied practically. Now before you read this blog post, make sure you read this one first ( link below) An insight into the nature of reality. Vipassana meditation To practice vipassana, you would need a calm and quiet place, preferably a space in your room where no one would disturb you. You can meditate on a chair or sit cross legged on the floor (take support of pillows or cushions if needed, but don't put support on your back).  Make sure you are comfortable as you would be sitting for quite some time. Keep your posture straight. STEP 1: Learn to concentrate on your breath.   Concentrate and acknowledge only you...

An insight into the nature of reality. VIPASSANA MEDITATION.

Ask yourself. Do I give time to my thoughts to process? How often do I sit alone where there's just me and my constantly flowing thoughts? Do I try to observe what's happening in my mind? Do I give the attention to my body it so desperately seeks? These are rather boring questions but important nonetheless. Now that you have questioned yourself, how do you do all this?  Vipassana may be the answer for you. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the concept of vipassana, its significance, history and benefits. After you have read this, you will also find a link at the bottom to a blog post on how to practice vipassana meditation  (The right way). WHAT IS VIPASSANA MEDITATION? - Vipassana is a form of meditation that involves self observation and introspection. It is a technique that was discovered by Buddha over 2500 years ago as a means to attain enlightenment and liberation from suffering. The practice involves sitting in silence for extended periods, focusing on your brea...


For men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent......sent into the world by his order and about his business, they are his property, whose workmanship they are, made to last during his, not one another's pleasure. ......Everyone as he is bound to preserve himself, and not to quit his station wilfully.....                                                        - JOHN LOCKE Locke believed that even an individual's life was not his own, but was given by god as a trust, meaning we had no right to destroy or kill ourselves nor could we destroy, kill, Rob or enslave other beings who were equal to us before God. Philosophical views like this are necessary as long as they could persuade one to not to kill oneself. According to the world health organisation, more than 700000 people die due to suicide every year and if we could accumulate all...


What if we are God's game!! - on 25 sep. 2022 , a thought struck me early in the morning when I was half asleep or rather say in my 'sleep delirium' and I instantly thought of writing it down. I wrote it in my diary briefly but it has been recurring in my mind. I needed reprocessing so here I write it again. ‐  Who ever created us, what if it would have created us as an experiment or as a game or precisely put, to see what we do with what we are given.  "GOD" — super intelligent, the highest form of being, he must have thought of making a cosmos, a galaxy with an earth (among others) in it *bang* life happened—we came. He wiped dinosaurs 🦕  out like deleting a file from his folder, created humans-gave them the intellect they have and left them on their own! We probably are a game to him. Not necessarily do I suggest that he is kind and compassionate or loving, maybe he himself was created by someone else — a God's god, and the God's god crea...


Do you have a cat as a pet? They are cute, aren't they? But have you ever tried observing them up close, for there is a great lot of things to learn from them from their daily lives. - THEIR ROUTINE   The word 'routine' (considering felines) might not sound as a thing to learn from, for they eat, play, Spread joy and sleep and all this is certainly true. This is where the observation comes in. So to learn something let's analyse their 'routine'. - THE HABIT OF EATING How much do you feed to your cats? You must have noticed that they eat all of what you give. If you feed more than what their body needs, they are likely to overconsume whereas if you feed the right amount, they become energetic and joyful ( joy is what most of us are missing, aren't we?). Things are not that different when we come in the scenario, some of us are fortunately conscious of what we put in our body while most people know how much to eat but tend to eat whatever they can ...