Do you have a cat as a pet? They are cute, aren't they? But have you ever tried observing them up close, for there is a great lot of things to learn from them from their daily lives. - THEIR ROUTINE The word 'routine' (considering felines) might not sound as a thing to learn from, for they eat, play, Spread joy and sleep and all this is certainly true. This is where the observation comes in. So to learn something let's analyse their 'routine'. - THE HABIT OF EATING How much do you feed to your cats? You must have noticed that they eat all of what you give. If you feed more than what their body needs, they are likely to overconsume whereas if you feed the right amount, they become energetic and joyful ( joy is what most of us are missing, aren't we?). Things are not that different when we come in the scenario, some of us are fortunately conscious of what we put in our body while most people know how much to eat but tend to eat whatever they can ...